Foyers de désorganisation myofibrillaire et syndrome inflammatoire: description de trois cas, meetiing della Società Francese di Neuropatologia, Parigi, La Sâlpetrière, Parigi, 2-3 dicembre 1994.


Molécules impliquées dans la myelinotoxicité, NAE et SGB, meeting della Società Francese di Neuropatologia, Marsiglia, 18-20 maggio 1995.


G.A. Putzu, G. Kozak-Ribbens, A.M. Baeta, L. Rodet, D. Figarella-Branger, J.F. Pellissier, P.J. Cozzone. Comparative results of halothane/caffeine contracture tests from biceps and vastus muscle biopsies for the diagnosis of Malignant Hyperthermia. Free communication, "The Neurologist dealing with Malignant Hyperthermia and Related Disorders", Post-Meeting Congress of the First Congress of the European Federation of the Neurological Societies, Marseille, 9-14 september 1995.


G.A. Putzu. Laboratory investigations in patients with suspected muscle disease. Invited speaker at the III European Workshop of Anesthesia and neuromuscular diseases, Alghero 18th-19th October 1996.


G.A. Putzu, D. Figarella-Branger, C. Cianchetti, J.F. Pellissier. TNF-alpha is immunolocalized on myelinated and unmyelinated axons in acute inflammatory polyneuropathy (AIDP), comunicazione orale 2° Riunione del Gruppo di Studio sul Sistema Nervoso periferico, Hotel Royal Spotorno, Italy, 20-21 Marzo 1997.


G.A. Putzu, D. Figarella-Branger, N. Bianco, J.F. Pellissier. Immunohistochemical localization of cytokines, C5b-9 and ICAM-1 in peripheral nerve of Guillain-Barre syndrome, Antalya (Turchia), 14-16 october 1999.